Reply To: GIANTS NETBALL 20202020-09-08T07:26:10+10:00
Mel Q
    Post count: 6

    Hey Ian H, I’m gobsmacked by your comment:
    As I said, Bassett’s job should simply have been to score goals and lots of them, just like she was doing on a regular basis before she was made captain. It really doesn’t surprise me that her form has dipped since.

    Are you seriously saying that she couldn’t possibly have shot goals well because she was made captain? Sorry, but that’s the most idiotic comment I’ve ever heard regarding a netball captain. Then again, maybe that’s why Jo Harten isn’t playing well. I mean, how can she possibly shoot goals when she has the responsibility of being a captain? Ergh. Liz Ellis would have a field day with this! Not to mention every other ‘Confident Girl’ who shoots goals.

    Not sure I’ll follow this forum anymore. Truly gobsmacked.

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