Reply To: 2021 ANZP ROUND 10

Reply To: 2021 ANZP ROUND 102021-06-21T07:50:33+10:00
    Post count: 1532

    The Pulse squad looks lost. Kersten looked totally frustrated on court yesterday and there didn’t seem to be any enjoyment of the sport from the team. I didn’t notice Dunn looking any different than usual.
    I guess you could say the team is very new and rebuilding – just like the Steel has been. Ellie, Tiana and Renee’s moves to another team are a prime example of what happens when you leave squad members bench sitting for too long and probably were unexpected. But to have two specialist GK on court all the time is not helping. I don’t mind Kelly at GD, it’s certainly going to aid her SF chances, particularly fitness wise but yesterday she needed to be back at GK.
    If they are going to persevere with Souness coming on at GA when desperate they definitely need extra trainings to assist her. It’s not as if she has played GA at this level before and a panic change by the coach is unfair, even using her just as a feeder in the circle.

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