Full Time: JAM 58-47
Jok 37/40 (93%)
Beckford 14/17 (82%)
Dixon 5/5 (100%)
Gordon 2/5 (40%)
TOTAL 58/67 (87%)
van der Berg 29/32 (91%)
Maseko 17/18 (94%)
Breedt 1/2 (50%)
Venter 0/3 (0%)
TOTAL 47/55 (85%)
Jamaica wins the series 3-0
Over the series, Latanya Wilson, Shamera Sterling-Humphrey, and Shimona Jok all starred for Jamaica, while Kamogelo Maseko was South Africa’s best.
Nicola Smith was playing well in Test 1, when unfortunately she was injured. The SA defence found it tough from there.