CBass will only get 40min games. Sad demise for the great servent of the game.
“Non-super shot zone = 14.139m2
Super-shot zone = 23.58m2(Total area of shooting circle is 37.72m2)”
So the more “difficult” Super Shot can actually be taken from 63% (ish) of the circle, whilst the “easy” 1 goal shot is only available from 37% (ish) of the circle.
To me it seems that the other way around would be more fitting to the “reward”.
A visual of @SuperNetball Super Shot scoring efficiency for Round 1. pic.twitter.com/7cefDm2j6V
— Alice Sweeting (@alicesweeting) August 2, 2020
The two point zone should be like it is in Fast 5, it’s ridiculous that even the least accurate team’s conversion translates to 94%. And accuracy will only rise, especially for a team like the Swifts and Vixens with their long-range options.
I found it really frustrating to watch long bomb specialists in the Vixens team crumble under the pressure and get the second worst conversion % on the 2 point shot. I liked what Harten said this afternoon…and she was amazing to watch bomb them in.
I’m not a fan, and am really worried that huge decal is going to inflict injury.
Am enjoying watching the ANZP games….proper netty with one point per shot, no time outs and no rolling subs….and a much better bonus point system.
I do like that one the most accurate proponents of the SuperShot is maintaining her criticism of it when asked. I get the feeling that whoever the commentator was who asked Jo Harten about it expected her to say it was great or that now she loved it.
As for rolling subs, well I have no problem with it. I’ve always felt the necessity for the “Shoelace injury” timeout to replace players was a blight on the game, and certainly has no place in a professional sport.
Tactical timeouts, well, their only purpose has always been revenue based. Stopping the flow of play adds absolutely nothing to the spectacle of any sport.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by CharlesWB.
Such a good point netballmum, the dialogue always gets changed to fit the narrative. I love Liz, Sue etc but I found some of their comments disingenuous on the weekend. I get that they need to pump up excitement as commentators but it feels like a bit of an indictment on our game that the best of the best think the traditional rules are boring/inferior to this season’s rules.
Charles… no I think it was Cath Cox who interviewed Jo Harten and she actually mentioned that she thought Jo Harten didn’t like it. It was Sue Gaudion that thought she would love it.
I genuinely wonder whether Liz, Sue and Cath actually like the rule change, or they are just doing their best to do their job by promoting it. Sue seems to genuinely love it, but I get the sense that behind the screen Liz and Cath aren’t as on board. It does erk me a bit when they are really laying it thick with the super shot praise. Before the start of season, I tried to keep an open mind about it, but I had concerns that it would lead to some messy play, and fundamentally change the flow of play towards, and around, the goal circle. So far, those concerns have only been confirmed.
For me, the best game of netball I saw yesterday was one that wasn’t played in Australia…..Absolutely. Mystics v Pulse was the best game played over the weekend and not a super shot, time out or rolling sub in sight.
Cant say I like it. I’d like to see what the shooting stats are over the passed 2 years.. as in the stats from where the shots were taken. It actually looks like less long range shots were taken. If its not the last 5 minutes of play then they didn’t really shoot from the white zone. A few were put up but not many. It seems to have changed the thinking around the shot.
Here’s a look at the difference in scoring in each game, looking at the first 10 min of each Q and then the last 5 min (when the 2 pt shot was available to use)…
Firebirds v Lightning:
Firebirds actually outscored Lightning 32-31 in the 40 min of the game when there was no 2 pt shot was in play, but for the 20 min when it was in play, Lightning outscored Firebirds 35-16! So I think we can see a definite trend from that match.Thunderbirds v Fever:
Some criticised Thunderbirds’ 2 pt tactics in the first Q but they improved over the match. Their problem was actually the opening 10 min of each Q. During that time Fever outscored them 46-35. During the last 5 min of each Q T’birds just edged Fever 28-27.Giants v Swifts:
Watching this game, you got the impression Giants were killing it in the last 5 min of each Q thanks to Jo Harten. But over the whole match, scoring in the last 5 min of each Q was dead level 28-28. It was in the first 10 min of each Q that Swifts edged it 35-33. This game just shows that 2 pt goals aren’t everything. The perfect play is to just keep scoring 2 pointers during those last 5 min, but that’s hard to do. In this game, during the last 5 min of each Q, Swifts scored 12 regular goals. Giants scored 2. There’s your problem!Vixens v Magpies:
This was interesting. The match got right away from Magpies in an awful last 5 min, but up till then, they had actually outscored Vixens in the last 5 min of the first 3 Qs. In total, Vixens won 37-32 in the first 10 min of each Q and 26-20 in the last 5.Super Netball season start quickly shows new super shot a tactic teams cannot ignore
YOu can’t argue with the logic. But it is hardly newsworthy that a shot that is worth double has an effect on the outcome of games. It annoyed me on the weekend the commentators gushing in almost surprise that the supershot “came into play”.
That was the thing that annoyed me the most. All the fake and manufactured excitement. I remember in the Magpies game, Gabby Sinclair scored a goal from super shot range. But she did it in the first 10 minutes so it was only worth one. The commentators made no fuss over it at all. In fact, they almost talked over it in a ho-hum fashion as if it wasn’t anything great at all.
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