2018 NS SUPER TIPPING (SSN) LEADERBOARD2018-04-30T13:55:58+10:00
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  • Author
  • extend_admin
      Post count: 2213

      Week 1… lots of people with 3 winners, some with 4, but only 1 person with the perfect round (4 winners plus exact margin)

      10 . Triton
      8 . moley02
      8 . Raz99
      8 . naks10
      8 . Clayhay
      8 . Brig
      8 . snowy
      6 . Tactixsupporter
      6 . James
      6 . Swish
      6 . Montyandpoppy
      6 . nanator
      6 . blondebomb
      6 . Cake
      6 . Moxy
      6 . SAE
      6 . PaulieC
      6 . Netball-Rocks
      6 . thunder123
      6 . Vickstaruk
      6 . hannahlong1
      6 . Jobby34
      6 . Tania.BK
      6 . rossie
      6 . Kat
      6 . Itba@94
      6 . GoSwifts
      6 . montyb
      6 . Deano
      6 . OB
      6 . Hayley
      4 . davo
      4 . haughmummy
      4 . Imcool123
      4 . all-rounder
      4 . Hobson
      4 . cad
      4 . gpb1979
      4 . Netball-Journo
      4 . Guyza
      4 . Drewski
      4 . JR
      4 . jabes
      4 . Swifts1
      2 . mcleod
      2 . CharlesWB
      2 . MarkSA7
      2 . moreorless
      2 . bubbles
      2 . foryoutwo
      2 . Blink
      2 . Kezza75

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