Half time and another huge quarter for the Diamonds 31 to 18
Bassett 19/21
Tippett 12/12Folau 13/13
Ekenasio 3/3
(Mes 2/4)
Penalties NZ 31 Aust 28Tippett is doing exactly what I wanted her to. Driving hard and drawing defenders which leaves Bassett in a one on one. With Watson and Scherian hitting circle edge they have a quick feed into Bassett on the one on one.
If I was NZ I would move Langman back to WD. Langman’s feeding has been way too hesitant and moving back to WD she would pick up ball and drive through court to set up their attack.
I for one am happy with the contact and obstruction calls against Rore. She always has her hands down and holding the player behind her. That is holding.
NZ is not out of this game. Australia has regularly choked leads and they continue to turnover a lot of ball in attack; Bassett has 5 turnovers herself. NZ need to fix their midcourt and take advantage of that.
1/2 time: Aus 31-18
Another strong quarter from the Diamonds. The defence is dominating and the attack is working well. The same can’t be said for the Ferns. So many mistakes. Good accuracy from their shooters, but they’re struggling to find them.
Very worried that the Diamonds line is about to fall apart
Thwaites holding behind the defenders but not working an it causes a turnover.
Now Tippett is not moving at all. Holding in the circle and no movement. Now Tippett throws it away.
Scoreline back to single digits.
Umpiring is so different this half
I hate to say it but I think CBass needs to come back on, the shooting circle is completely covered
The umpire on the Ferns shooting side is really annoying me
I want Watson to let it go. Too hesitant sometimes.
My thoughts right now, we are very lucky to have Scherians calm head and speed right now because otherwise the ball would not be getting near the circle at all
JLP on at WD and Brazill at C for the last few minutes, what a great opportunity to test this out
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