2020 FANTASY NETBALL – SSN2020-10-06T18:25:39+10:00
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  • Avatar photoIan Harkin
      Post count: 24453

      Guys, I will work out everyone’s scores a bit later, but what I can say now is that HAYLEY had a big win over NANATOR in the mini-league grand final. Congratulations. well done. :good:

      Avatar photoIan Harkin
        Post count: 24453

        Round 14… Clayhay got the highest score for the second week running, just ahead of Hayley. That high score for Hayley was enough to take out the mini-league grand final against Nanator. The overall title went to Sandeep Prasad who has been at or near the top for most of the season. Congratulations on the win! :good:

        Round 14
        1036.0 . Clayhay

        1029.5 . Hayley
        1000.5 . Ellzy7
        998.0 . KJGreigy
        981.5 . fayth.doherty
        965.5 . Sandeep Prasad
        965.5 . Zara
        960.0 . Abymum
        959.0 . Leila Callaghan
        958.0 . Ian
        947.0 . Emma Cooper
        947.0 . Cake
        944.5 . Snowy
        937.5 . Jess Mascilo
        936.0 . Shawn Murdock
        927.5 . NettySuperFan
        925.5 . Kat
        921.0 . preyaperfect
        920.5 . tini92
        918.0 . Waylay
        913.5 . erin
        909.0 . esmeelizabeth
        908.5 . Kelly Walker
        904.0 . Montyandpoppy
        893.0 . Marksa7
        859.5 . Moley02
        852.5 . Jinxibo
        845.0 . Nanator
        841.0 . Sally Yates
        815.0 . James
        804.5 . Tania.BK
        769.5 . Fluffy
        758.5 . Mindy Lee

        12,939.5 . Sandeep Prasad

        12,882.0 . Ian
        12,866.5 . Moley02
        12,825.5 . Waylay
        12,803.5 . Abymum
        12,694.5 . Hayley
        12,560.5 . Snowy
        12,501.5 . erin
        12,500.5 . Kat
        12,448.0 . Nanator
        12,331.5 . Montyandpoppy
        12,247.5 . James
        12,226.0 . Clayhay
        12,194.0 . Shawn Murdock
        11,935.0 . NettySuperFan
        11,878.5 . Zara
        11,852.5 . Tania.BK
        11,813.0 . Marksa7
        11,683.5 . Kelly Walker
        11,363.0 . Emma Cooper
        11,353.5 . preyaperfect
        11,133.5 . Cake
        11,017.5 . Jess Mascilo
        10,987.0 . fayth.doherty
        10,966.5 . Jinxibo
        10,939.0 . Sally Yates
        10,818.0 . KJGreigy
        10,805.5 . Leila Callaghan
        10,751.0 . tini92
        10,738.5 . Mindy Lee
        10,251.5 . Ellzy7
        10,230.5 . esmeelizabeth
        9,970.5 . Fluffy

        Mini-League Grand Final
        Hayley 1029.5 v Nanator 845

          Post count: 163

          Ian you are an absolute legend. How you managed to keep on top of this with those short turn arounds between rounds I’ll never know. Thanks so much for all the effort you’ve put into this, was super fun. Congrats Sandeep!

          Sandeep Prasad
            Post count: 24

            Thank you Ian, absolutely amazing work in this condensed season. I was a little heartbroken after the mini league loss last week and I gave up and didn’t make any changes for the last week but that paid off.

              Post count: 265

              A massive congrats to Sandeep Prasad and Hayley on your wins! I didn’t do that well this year, but I’ll be back next year. Huge thanks to you Ian, all the work you do behind scenes doesnt go unnoticed or unappreciated, and this certainly wouldn’t have been possible without your efforts!

              Zara Collings
                Post count: 338

                Congrats Ian, that was an incredible effort over the last weeks to keep on top of everything! Thanks for letting me join in 🙂

                Well done Sandeep!!!

                Avatar photoIan Harkin
                  Post count: 24453

                  Thanks guys. Tough work but fun. My own team went pretty well. Just realised if I had moved Nankivell from the bench to WD and put Price on the bench instead (as I was thinking of doing), I would have won by about 7 points. But I’m happy with how it finished. And that would have looked a bit suspicious! :scratch:

                  Thanks to everyone that played. It’s been tough with so little time between matches. Hopefully back to more normal scheduling next year.

                    Post count: 247

                    As always, thanks to Ian for a superhuman effort keeping on top of this – and well done to Sandeep and the others at the top of the table…..you give me something to aspire to next year…. 😉

                    Avatar photoIan Harkin
                      Post count: 24453

                        Post count: 9

                        Hey I’ve just found out that NS ran fantasy last year! so bummed I missed out – please tell me you are going to run it again this year?!

                        Avatar photoIan Harkin
                          Post count: 24453

                          Yes, I’ve run a comp on here every year since about 2010 or so. And we will again. Just sorting out some details. Will launch it soon.

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