2020 SSN ROUND 13 – THUNDERBIRDS v SWIFTS2020-09-19T02:03:19+10:00
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  • Netballcrazy1
      Post count: 2395

      Sorry correction, 80 seconds, Swifts threw the ball around for 80 seconds to milk the clock. What a shame

        Post count: 1987

        Was the swifts milking of the clock smart or a lack of confidence? They were up by 2. Score 1 and push out to 3. TBirds can’t score 3 in one go.

          Post count: 2395

          I think people were being a little harsh on Haythornthwaite, she did A LOT today

          Avatar photoIan Harkin
            Post count: 24458

            Full time: Swifts 57-54

            People will say that was clever from Swifts, but the rules shouldn’t allow them them to pass the ball around for a solid minute like that to stop their opponents having a chance.

              Post count: 1235

              It’s ugly to watch, but amazing discipline and mental strength from Swifts at the end. The strategy is no less fair or less attractive than the idea of a team clawing back a deficit without needing any turnover ball. It would have been a bit ridiculous of Horjus shot the T’Birds ti a win. Another near miss for the super shot winning a team a game. Haythornthwaite was great in that last quarter and especially in that last passage, so I absolutely have to eat my words on criticising her for coming back on!

              I love Housby at GS, she’s so elusive and gets the GK’s head spinning. Also surprisingly strong in the air and on the hold. Garbin was really good when she came back on.

              The fight for second is on!! T’Birds will really have to step up if they want to beat Fever though.

              Avatar photoIan Harkin
                Post count: 24458

                Swifts 57-Tbirds 54

                Wallace 26/31 (84%)
                Housby 22/24 (92%)
                Garbin 8/9 (89%)

                Potgieter 33/34 (94%)
                Gooden 10/19 (52%)
                Horjus 4/5 (80%)

                Super shots: Gooden 4/10, Horjus 3/4, Wallace 1/3
                Assists: Hadley 24
                Gains: Sterling 7

                MVP: Hadley

                Good game.

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