2020 SUNCORP SUPER NETBALL2019-11-12T22:04:49+10:00
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      Post count: 455

      Great to hear it is back this year!
      I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s starting late due to the fact they want crowds.
      I guess they need the money from ticket sales to continue to operate in years to come.
      Late finish, then Con Cup. Then the off season will only be 3 months at most!

      Yes McLeod, maybe Poi will be called into Magpies again as a replacement player!

      How is the COVID situation in Australia? Is it under control like NZ? Or are some states worse off than others?

        Post count: 134

        This date is so good for so many teams/players. Especially Collingwood, I’m guessing Ravvy will be back for round 1 taking Ash Braz’s place (noticed Kelly Altman has disappeared off the magpies team list on the SSN website again so assuming this is the cas). Also Medhurst will surely be back for some of the season and Kelsey will be able to play more of the season too.
        Also players like Mahalia Cassidy and Layla Guscoth will have more time to rehab and less pressure, although does make me sad that we’ll see even less of Lara Dunkley at firebirds, I feel she was really hard done by to not be kept at Vixens and I hoped to see her get plenty of minutes at Firebirds.
        SSN 2020 will be worth the wait but man that is the longest pre season ever, I hope this doesn’t contribute to fatigue and more injuries mid season.

        Avatar photoIan Harkin
          Post count: 24424

            Post count: 1677

            mmm…..’wanting crowds’…..

            A few weeks ago, I was asked by the Vixens, as a paid up 2020 member, to ‘pledge my support’. I’ve read the email quite a few times, and still don’t know what it means…they’re going to give me some ‘stuff’ but I wondered if they’re asking me to give them my memberships fee for the year, even if the comp doesn’t go ahead.

            So now, even with this announcement, I am not sure I will go to the games. I’m trying to think ‘well I’ve spent the $$$, don’t worry about it’ ….but I earn below the poverty line in a job that’s unsure year to year, so I might need the $$$ in the long run. And here in Melbourne, we’ve had a few outbreaks of Corona Virus in the past few weeks. Whilst numbers are tiny here in Victoria, I’m an emotional mess when I return home from a shopping trip given so many people are not abiding my social distancing rules.

            I went to my fruit and vegetable shop today, and the cafes in the shopping strip were open with people sitting inside. Isn’t that supposed to start tomorrow?

            • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by JR.
            Avatar photoIan Harkin
              Post count: 24424

                Post count: 2020

                So will all the imports return, I know 5 have been given the ok to return, but I thought more than that went home.

                Avatar photoIan Harkin
                  Post count: 24424

                  Avatar photoIan Harkin
                    Post count: 24424

                    No, as far as I know, all of the ones who returned home, can come back.

                    Avatar photoIan Harkin
                      Post count: 24424

                      ‘Conservative in a smart way’: Netball plays a long game with revised season

                      Erin Delahunty


                      Avatar photoIan Harkin
                        Post count: 24424

                        Avatar photoIan Harkin
                          Post count: 24424

                          New pay deal…

                            Post count: 265

                            That is fantastic news!!!

                              Post count: 2020

                              So with the state of Victoria, putting restrictions back on re gatherings etc. Will this have a bearing on the SSN.???

                              Avatar photoIan Harkin
                                Post count: 24424

                                Comp doesn’t start for another 6 weeks or so. See how we go. As long as there’s not a full second wave of the virus it should be okay by then.

                                Avatar photoIan Harkin
                                  Post count: 24424

                                  This is just awful. What a stupid decision.

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