2021 CONSTELLATION CUP – NZ v AUST (March)2021-03-29T09:09:17+10:00
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  • Avatar photoIan Harkin
      Post count: 24458

        Post count: 1374

        @ianH thank you :good:

        Avatar photoIan Harkin
          Post count: 24458

            Post count: 1677

            Good article in The Guardian.

            I can’t post links, to read it, type ‘ New-look Diamonds stumble at first hurdle as Caitlin Bassett is left on the outer ‘ into your browser.

              Post count: 81

              I don’t think the fade is because of rolling subs – most of the Diamonds starting line up were playing the full sixty minutes during SSN even with the rolling subs rule. NZ won by using the time out rule to roll out subs, who had fresh legs and a specific goal on court. If anything, being used to rolling subs in SSN might help Australia to beat NZ in international games in the next few years because I doubt Dame Noeline will change her shake up tactics anytime soon.

                Post count: 320

                I think both teams will have a lot to take away from this series. SM sticking with her shooters and defenders was a sign of the starting seven she wants at the CWG. Despite the quarantine, they only lost the decider by 2! Koenan had an exemplary series and cemented her place in the Diamonds 12. That said, I was a little bit puzzled by persisting with Bruce GD/Klau GK as that unit was well-beaten towards the end of games.

                For Noelene, the series was the prove they can win against the Diamonds without Folau/Langman/Kopua. Box ticked. Now it’s time to prove they can win without other stalwarts such as Ekenasio and Watson. And appreciate that fightbacks but gee what is happening in those first quarters?

                  Post count: 1518

                  If Karaka and Bueta come back in full fitness, both players will really strengthen their teams. It’ll almost become a new ball game.

                  I agree with Museboy, both teams would have gotten a lot out of this series. I also hope they consider having the BEST umpires, officiating these games. I love how you can go through this thread, and see very minimal (if any) complaints about the umpires. Which is a huge positive for the game.

                  Avatar photoIan Harkin
                    Post count: 24458

                    Avatar photoIan Harkin
                      Post count: 24458

                      Avatar photoIan Harkin
                        Post count: 24458

                        Avatar photoIan Harkin
                          Post count: 24458

                            Post count: 2395

                            “You need honesty in a team — especially being the first tour of this new era — and you need a coach that the players can trust because they follow through on what they say. So you would hope that there has been upfront and honest communication within the squad about those decisions, because it’s not fair on Liz either… to put her in a situation that contradicts how the captaincy might get passed on.”

                            I love this honesty, well said Sharni.

                              Post count: 384

                              It appears the Western Australian girls are having to quarantine, unlike the East Coasters who are all out and about having coffee and going to the beach.

                              (Jess Anstiss Instagram story has her in Darwin for the next 14 days).

                              I guess that means Jess, Verity, Courtney and Stacey.

                                Post count: 2395

                                I am not optimistic about the new Diamonds leadership. It’s pretty obvious the whole rotating captain thing was a scam, putting Watson and Bassett in awkward positions, SM pretty much refused to trial various combinations even though the purpose of the tournament should have been to experiment a little, and when domestic clubs and coaches start complaining about things, you know there are problems. I hate to say it but if this CC was an indication of how the national team is going to be run and coached for the next few years, I am not optimistic about the team’s ability to win CWG/WC and stay in Number 1.

                                  Post count: 1987

                                  I don’t recall it ever being said that there would be 4 different captains. Just that a captain would be appointed prior to each game. That happened. There are a limited number of candidates for the role. People were even suggesting Proud who hasn’t even played a game. That was never going to happen. I don’t think the public need to know the details about the process. Yes it’d be interesting to know but unnecessary IMO. So long as it was transparent within the camp is all that matters. Given no one has expressed otherwise I’ll give Marinkovich the benefit of the doubt there.

                                  Perhaps Marinkovich underestimated the impact of the nuances of the series on the selections. Watson was a winning captain in game 2. So was rewarded with the appointment for game 3. Then they lost game 3. So do you take the captaincy from her then? Signalling you win you keep it, you lose you lose it. That can’t set a great tone or allow any one whether it be Watson or someone else to grow into the role. You’d be walking on egg shells the whole time. Tough situation to manage. It may also be that Simpson was a candidate but was dropped from the 12 after game 1 ruling her out of being the captain in future games.

                                  As for the coaching of the team on game day…I am less positive. The failure to act on small momentum changes or subtleties in the game with preemptive changes lost Australia the series.

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