2022 ANZP ROUND 42022-03-29T13:15:04+10:00


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  • Maryann
      Post count: 1532

      Both Northern Stars Round 4 matches have been postponed under the league’s Covid-19 Match Postponement Policy. The requested postponement means both Saturday’s Stars v Tactix and Monday’s Stars v Steel games will be rescheduled. New dates for both fixtures will be confirmed in the coming weeks.
      Remaining Round 4 fixtures (all matches live on Sky Sport):
      Saturday 2 April
      4.10pm, Mystics v Steel
      Sunday 3 April
      12pm, Men’s Invitational Match – Mystics v Stars
      2.10pm, Mystics v Tactix
      4.10pm, Magic v Pulse

      Avatar photoIan Harkin
        Post count: 24458

        Avatar photoIan Harkin
          Post count: 24458

            Post count: 1532

            oh dear!
            Given Steel played Stars on Sunday we possibly might see a cancellation there as well.

              Post count: 706

              Let’s just hope it trickles through the teams now rather during the latter part of the season.

                Post count: 534

                Genuinely curious – are rules around isolation/travel/close contacts etc in NZ so much stricter than AUS?
                So many games seem affected by covid and it’s only round 4.
                SSN will no doubt be impacted but it seems to be wiping whole teams out in the ANZ champs and only a few players/coaches here and there in SSN. Albeit it’s only round 1.
                Just curious?

                  Post count: 1532

                  @enozlas – heres a link (had it at hand with my SIL testing positive today) if you are really interested but I believe that in Australia you need to live with someone to be a close contact. Here the category is slightly wider than that. https://www.health.govt.nz/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-health-advice-public/covid-19-information-household-and-close-contacts?fbclid=IwAR3x4yl_xo__T04l1xkoBzOX8lIDqFu0mHh2Q78iZhZ174S2rjvipv9T1t8#:~:text=What%20does%20it%20mean%20if%20I%20am%20a%20Close%20Contact,using%20a%20Rapid%20Antigen%20Test
                  The other thing is that our first omicron peak with both BA.1, BA.2 and to a much smaller extent Delta is moving through the country currently unlike over there, where the second wave BA.2 is at play.
                  It is not uncommon here (and probably in some SSN teams) that the players live together so in that situation if one tests positive then the other/s become close contacts and need to isolate.
                  I hope that helps.

                  Avatar photoIan Harkin
                    Post count: 24458

                      Post count: 534

                      Thanks @Maryann ☺️ Makes a lot of sense.
                      Yeah over here it’s basically living with someone or spending more than 4 consecutive hours in close proximity with them which is not very common if you don’t live with someone.
                      And very good point regarding the wave. Hope things settle down over there soon for you all!

                        Post count: 246

                        There’s virtually no netball games in NZ this weekend 😕!!
                        I wasn’t going to subscribe to sparksport to watch the SSN but I think I will or else I won’t get my netball fix this weekend!! Will just cancel it at the end of the season. Has anybody else subscribed to sparksport to watch the netball? I’d be interested in any feedback on the service. (I saw there is a free 7 day trial) TIA.

                          Post count: 1532

                          @Kwkwiwi – we get Sparksport. All good excepting the screen goes black with a few words to basically say we will be back shortly each time adverts in Australia come on (end of quarters etc) – but you can get the lead up to the game and after game breakdown. When it flicks back over to live feed it sometimes misses a few of the commentators words. The screening of the games is just fine.

                          Avatar photoIan Harkin
                            Post count: 24458

                            Avatar photoIan Harkin
                              Post count: 24458

                              Avatar photoIan Harkin
                                Post count: 24458

                                GS Nweke
                                GA Falkner
                                WA O’Brien
                                C Earle
                                WD Sokolich-Beatson
                                GD Karaka
                                GK Fitzpatrick

                                GS Fisher
                                GA G Heffernan
                                WA Saunders
                                C K Heffernan
                                WD Savai’inaea
                                GD Woulf
                                GK Burley

                                  Post count: 378

                                  Are Magic playing this weekend

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