2022 Commonwealth Games – Day 8 (Aug 5)

2022 Commonwealth Games – Day 8 (Aug 5)2022-08-05T14:26:12+10:00
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  • Avatar photoIan Harkin
      Post count: 24424

      Avatar photoIan Harkin
        Post count: 24424

        (UK Times)

        9am – Playoff for 11th/12th – Barbados v Trinidad & Tobago
        11:30am – Playoff for 9th/10th – Scotland v Northern Ireland

        2:30pm – Playoff for 7th/8th – Wales v Malawi
        5pm – Playoff for 5th/6th – South Africa v Uganda

        Avatar photoIan Harkin
          Post count: 24424

          9am: BARBADOS v TRIN & TOBAGO
          (6pm AEST, 8pm NZ, 4am Barb,T&T)

          11:30am: SCOTLAND v NTH IRELAND
          (8:30pm AEST, 10:30pm NZ)

          2:30pm: WALES v MALAWI
          (11:30pm AEST, 1:30am NZ, 3:30pm Mal)

          5pm: SOUTH AFRICA v UGANDA
          (2am AEST, 4am NZ, 9pm Mal, 6am SA, 7am Uga)

          Avatar photoIan Harkin
            Post count: 24424

            GS Wharton
            GA Blackman
            WA Holder
            C Rock-Yaw
            WD Browne
            GD Stoute
            GK Azore-Bruce

            Trin & Tobago
            GS Noel
            GA Cooper
            WA Seemungal
            C Cassimy
            WD Mceachrane
            GD Baptiste
            GK Greene-Noel

            Avatar photoIan Harkin
              Post count: 24424

              1/4 time: T&T 17-5 Bar

              Just nothing going right here for Barbados. After such an encouraging game yesterday, they’re struggling today. And T&T is all over it, especially Joelisa Cooper and Shaquanda Greene-Noel who has 3 gains already.

              Avatar photoIan Harkin
                Post count: 24424

                1/2 time: T&T 35-16 Bar

                AGARD 8/9
                BLACKMAN 5/5
                WHARTON 3/6

                COOPER 18/19
                NOEL 17/19

                Definitely an improvement from Barbados in that 2nd Q, but T&T still with a strong lead. The big difference is in possession gains. T&T already has 13, Barbados 2.

                Avatar photoIan Harkin
                  Post count: 24424

                  3/4 time: T&T 49-23 Bar

                  Shaquanda Greene-Noel had 14 possession gains yesterday, and is on track to beat that today. 11 at 3/4 time! A defensive machine.

                  Avatar photoIan Harkin
                    Post count: 24424

                    FULL TIME: T&T 63-31

                    AGARD 14/19 (74%)
                    BLACKMAN 9/10 (90%)
                    WHARTON 7/11 (64%)
                    HOLDER 1/1 (100%)
                    TOTAL 31/41

                    TRIN & TOBAGO
                    NOEL 38/43 (88%)
                    COOPER 25/31 (81%)
                    TOTAL 63/74 (85%)

                    ASSISTS: CASSIMY 25
                    GAINS: GREENE-NOEL 12

                    Avatar photoIan Harkin
                      Post count: 24424

                      After a Caribbean battle for 11th/12th, it’s a British battle for 9th/10th.

                      GS Goodwin
                      GA McCall
                      WA Christian
                      C Leighton
                      WD Maxwell
                      GD Nicholl
                      GK Conway

                      Northern Ireland
                      GS Crosbie
                      GA E.Magee
                      WA Keenan
                      C O’Hanlon
                      WD Cooper
                      GD Toner
                      GK M.Magee

                      Avatar photoIan Harkin
                        Post count: 24424

                        Good first Q. 10-10!

                        Avatar photoIan Harkin
                          Post count: 24424

                          1/2 time: Scotland 22-16

                          Once again it’s shooting accuracy that’s hurting NI. 16/24 with several misses from under the post in that Q.

                            Post count: 788

                            Sorry, I tuned in right as half time finished- why did NI have to wait to bring their GS on? Great job by Crosbie to score alone, but not great strategy by the team.

                            Avatar photoIan Harkin
                              Post count: 24424

                              Into the final Q, Scotland up 36-27. This Northern Ireland team is so frustrating with their shooting failures.

                              Avatar photoIan Harkin
                                Post count: 24424

                                Yeah, it was the start of the last Q. I missed it too, but I think the player just wasn’t on court in time or something. Think they may have had a mix up with bibs.

                                  Post count: 788

                                  Oops, it was indeed the last quarter. Not quite paying attention, I just finished watching the NZ VS England and Malawi VS Uganda games which were a bit more gripping.

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