Dunn had a bad couple of quarters that’s all. Its definitely fixable and seeing it against Mystics defence has to be a good thing. She made a good choice moving out of her comfort zone I think. Pulse defence will be just as crazy so this will be good for her development as a player.
Great game I have to say overall.
What were the shooting stats of this game?
Aliyah Dunn 24/29 (83%)
Te Paea Selby-Rickit 20/26 (77%)
Vika Koloto 1/1 (100%)
TOTAL 45/56 (80%)Mystics:
Grace Nweke 46/52 (88%)
Filda Vui 4/4 (100%)
Monica Falkner 4/7 (57%)
TOTAL 54/63 (86%)Sorry I’m with @Maryann on this one about Dunn. I think she really lacks that individual drive to be a top sports person.
She struggled without Tiana at the Pulse. She struggles when not in her own comfort zone or have someone play her into the game.
I personally think this is the make or break year for Dunn if she really wants to strive for a SF spot. It’ll show if she can or can not play in another netball scheme, which for SF is essential as you have different players you can be playing with.
She won’t be forcing Nweke or even Wilson out of the GS spot if she keeps playing at the way she’s played this year and also previous years.
Yes she’s a good netballer but she make just stay a good league netballer.
Maybe she needs to take a year off from netball then come back. She tried to go back to basketball during the international season and didn’t like the amount of court time she saw and also pick up a minor injury.She’s young but so are the two SF GS atm so she needs to be able to push for that with something different.
If she can’t cut it against both the Mystics and Pulse defence I don’t see her doing well internationally tbh.
Don’t think Dunn is in the mix for Sf for reasons Taurua has in her head for not including her. Dunn and Metuarau combined brilliantly. But it’s not happening with Selby Ricket yet. Early days of course. I can see Walmsley as Silver Fern GS material down the track.
@netballfan1 – agree with you re Poi, very fast around the court and gets the odd spectacular intercept but not dominant or consistent like Gordon. I think Souness is in a similar mould to Poi, but better than Poi.
See I find Maddy Gordon very hit and miss, can’t see her making the WC or Poi. More likely to be Souness who I certainly don’t want there, but Noel’s seems to love her at C, Crampton and Heffernan and one other, maybe be Toeava if coach plans to have the one game plan, biff and hope to Grace.
Out of interest who do people see as the strongest midcourters in the country?
I’d say Mila, Toeava, Gordon, Heffernan and CramptonSTEEL: I’d almost be tempted to throw THSR into GS, to have a target and an experienced head in there.
DUNN: I’d select her over Wilson any day of the week. Wilson has had some really tragic shooting percentages over the last couple of season. Dunn still remains one of the most dominant shooters in the league, and has been for a number of years.
Have to give massive credit to Sulu/Karaka combination. They absolutely suffocated Dunn. Earle and MSB also did a wealth of work outside the circle. Mystics whole defensive unit were on song!
I thought Malcom was costly for Tactix. Couple of forced passes to Dunn, when TPSR was the safer option (and presenting right in front of her too).
This game really showed where both teams are. Tactix have some work to do, as does all teams. Can only see them getting better as the weeks go on.
I suspect it was a strategic coaching error to get Dunn moving, rather than using an effective hold (as Karaka and Fitzpatrick train against a holding GS, and not a moving one).
I thought the Tactix most fluent quarter was when Malcolm was off with blood.
For mine, Heffernan is starting C and back-up WD. I think it was clear by the end of Quad Series she had sewn up that starting C spot.
Toeava/Crampton share WA. Toeava is the X-Factor, but the second half of Constellation Cup and Quad Series showed we still need the calm head of Crampton as well. And, we know Taurua loves experience at pinnacle events.
It feels almost criminal to break-up Burger and Watson’s circle combination and have Karin as starting WD IMO. So for me, I think that final midcourt spot needs to be a C/WD slide. That leaves Gordon, Winders or Kersten.
Or, does Taurua stick with Souness as her fourth middie and pulls a 2019 Rore and puts Karaka into WD with Heffernan and Burger as back-ups? She has six weeks post ANZP to train Karaka up..
Is the broadcast working for people outside of NZ
@TB you might be right – Chuck THRSR into GS. Too many missed shots under/near the post for the Steel, down 16-9 after the first quarter.
Gosh Christie is an exciting player.
The Stars defence are absolutely mauling the Steel here.
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