2024 SSN SIGNING AND TEAM NEWS2024-01-16T23:08:11+10:00
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  • Tully
      Post count: 1987

      Contract for Palavi!! Please!!!

      I don’t find Ellis wanting to move odd. Dan gave her next to no court time in two years. They could have pushed Bruce and Aryang up to Gd and WD much more than they did. After her two years at FBs her court time was increasing and she made the Aussie Development Squad. Then sat on Fever’s bench for two seasons.

      Meanwhile Lewis went to Vixens and shone. Full games, starts, impacts off the bench for whole quarters not just 5 minutes as Ellis got. Ellis would probably love that amount of court time. Despite Mannix’s court time reducing she appeared nothing but supportive of Lewis as the senior player. Dehaney also did much better in that environment than Lightning so it appears to be a strong defensive environment / unit. The defensive coaching environment of Vixens is probably also enticing obviously McKinnis but Sharni Layton is their defensive specialist coach. Ellis played under Di Honey at Fury and played really well.

      Also her boyfriend lives in Melbourne. Vixens actually wanted Ellis when she left FBs but she chose Fever and so Lewis went to Vixens. Then last year Vixens apparently tried to get O’Shanassy before resigning Lewis. Vixens clearly want more height so I wouldn’t be surprised if Vixens offered a spot to Ellis ahead of Lewis.

        Post count: 453

        Good on Chelsea Pitman for telling code sport where to go.

          Post count: 24

          So if Liz Watson moves to the Lightning it means that 2 players will be pushed out!

          Avatar photoIan Harkin
            Post count: 24458
              Post count: 172

              I’m not too sure if you all can recall but there was an article on Code that the Tbirds were rumoured to sign an English shooter and everyone thought it was Berri Neil. Apparently, Emma Thacker is yet to be signed by an NSL team and it seems like all the teams have their squads announced ????????????

                Post count: 789

                I’m pretty sure Thacker is signed to Mavericks.

                  Post count: 172

                  @StatsNerd21 you are correct. I had forgotten she had signed with them.

                  On the other hand, I would love for Palavi to be signed by a SSN team.

                    Post count: 789

                    I had to look it up to check! I would also love to see Palavi signed, she can shoot so much volume and is great on the move and the hold. She’s being done dirty by the Vixens at the moment, and she never got further at Collingwood than the ANC team- not even a TP contract.

                    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by StatsNerd21.
                      Post count: 453

                      Since Palavi can move and also play GA, she’d be a strong replacement for Cardwell.

                      Now given Chelsea Pitman calling Code sports articles untrue. Makes me wonder if Cardwell is even leaving. Lol

                      • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by netballgirl.
                        Post count: 1987

                        Pitman didn’t say Code was “untrue”, had a different issue but didn’t say it wasn’t true. After all, Pitman said she can’t read the article.

                        Actually, what Pitman put on IG confirms the couple of random sentences about her towards the end of the article are true.

                        TBirds are likely to have to replace more than just Cardwell.

                        • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Tully.
                          Post count: 453

                          She basically did say it was. Made an article from a 45second phone call.

                            Post count: 1987

                            No, Pitman never used the word untrue. Obviously annoyed at the call yes. The article isn’t actually primarily about Pitman. The couple of sentences on her literally say what Pitman said on IG. Pitman admits she hasn’t read it and is questioning what could have been written. What was written matches what Pitman said on IG.

                            Pitman if anything confirmed the legitimacy of the quote and source of the interested in SSN comment.

                            Therefore, not untrue.

                            • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Tully.
                            • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Tully.
                              Post count: 1987

                              Dwan to FBs.
                              Wallace has a Swifts contract. SCL did approach RAG but not sure it’s gone anywhere.

                                Post count: 1518

                                If RAG goes to SCL, that would have to put them as favourites.
                                We’ve seen Wood combine with CBass, I’ve always wanted to see her play with one of the Jamaicans.
                                Koenan can also play GA and Wood WA, add in Liz Watson, that’s a very strong attack.

                                  Post count: 2395

                                  Thunderbirds attack rebuilding, yet again…

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