2025 ANZ PREMIERSHIP2024-08-05T11:37:47+10:00
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  • Avatar photoIan Harkin
      Post count: 23821
        Post count: 1953

        Tactix will still have Bird, Te Paea, Pedersen, Paris L, Burger, Watson. I know the 3rd shooter they are getting, but can’t say yet, so just need someone to replace Poi and they be all tickety boo.

          Post count: 335

          @Baller Both Dunn and Poi were solely money related. Steel were paying a lot more I am told. Business wise for the Tactix, it would make sense to let Dunn go if you have Bird there or it would be make sense to throw an offer out to Salmon who would be very cheap contract wise, as it would be her first full contract.

          I heard they were talking to Stythe rather than Hall, but either would be a great pick up. Hall is studying medicine at Auckland University so it might be difficult for her to move down here?

          @TB I heard that Lloyd is moving to Dunedin with her partner, so I’m hoping if they don’t get one of the Auckland defenders then they might get her.

          I was surprised to see Sinclair on the move. I had a yarn to her Father who happened to be at a bar watching the Super Rugby finals. He said she loved Christchurch and the Tactix and wouldn’t be moving back to Auckland anytime soon. He did also mention that her partner has moved back to Auckland from overseas so that might have changed things. She will be a great addition where ever she ends up.

            Post count: 1953

            Dunn needs to show some enthusiasm, the small amount she played this year, she had the I’m so bored look happening.
            I thought last year Poi struggled to pass to Dunn quick enough. Hope it work out well for Poi, going to be a big change in the outside circle work that the Steel GA does or lack off.

              Post count: 1479

              Dunn always has the I’m bored look imo. I do think that if she showed more enthusiasm, initiative and leadership then she might have made the SF despite just missing fitness targets. I watched her playing Basketball last season and she had the same look then – she just looks too laid back 🙂 I’m sure I’m wrong.

              – facebook, yes facebook, suggested Sinclair was going to Mystics. Maybe Earle is on the move now she’s finished her degree.

                Post count: 1445

                That’s how Dunn has always played. It’s just her nature.

                  Post count: 335

                  Yes, Dunn shows very little emotion. I remember her hitting the game winner Pulse vs Magic and she just walked off while everyone else was celebrating, same with Tactix vs Mystics to go into overtime last season. She just seems to be a cool cucumber.

                  On another note Steel are looking very good this season. Nice pick up down the defensive end, and I hear NNZ are not being very generous with regards to letting players go across the ditch. A few have been turned down and there might be only one going, if any at all.

                    Post count: 1479

                    Mary-Jane Araroa reappointed Magic Coach for 2025.

                      Post count: 1479

                      If thats right re NNZ then it serves them right if players go well s…. you and go anyway. Either way NZ netball will suffer if the SF continue to struggle to compete, whether it be through players getting not enough hard exposure or players not being eligible to play for NZ.

                      I mean theres already 3 players over there, Hume, Crampton and Temu who dont have exemptions.

                      • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 5 days ago by Maryann.
                        Post count: 297

                        Very baffling to have all this talk in the media/from Noels and then not allowing any exemptions. We can afford three star players and still have a great ANZP – the previous season showed that!

                        Otherwise make it easier to get imports!

                        I don’t know if they considered starting the (now shorter) ANZP season really early which would then allow NZ players to become mid-season replacements in the SSN – this could have given the players some exposure at least.

                          Post count: 1445

                          Would it be more the sponsors say, than NNZ?
                          I mean they quickly made that change after the 2018 CWGs. Find it weird that they are not budging on this one, considering our worse showing at the WC.

                            Post count: 1479

                            Noel’s new contract is for two years. I get the feeling that she made her point about the need for players to be allowed into SSN but whether or not NNZ listened and heard is another thing. It sounds like perhaps not and they are holding onto hope that NZ teams get to play instead of individuals. At the end of the day if nothing has improved in two years both parties can walk in different directions. Yes sponsorship will have its part in this but sponsors may walk if the SF can’t compete anyway.

                              Post count: 698

                              I’m quite disappointed to hear NNZ have been stingy with their dispensations. It was a real opportunity for NNZ to ‘manage’ who plays abroad (not just SSN but VSNL).

                                Post count: 1953

                                There are not enough teams in the SSN to allow NZ players to join.
                                Sam Winders didn’t set the comp on fire at Giants, if I was a young Netball player from Aussie,
                                I’d be looking to play another sport, knowing full well my chances of playing professional in my home country are almost 0.

                                  Post count: 14

                                  I heard the Stars have offered the coaching role to Temepara. How excited if that’s true!

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