2026 Commonwealth Games in Victoria scrapped

2026 Commonwealth Games in Victoria scrapped2023-07-18T13:18:25+10:00
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  • Avatar photoIan Harkin
      Post count: 24453

      Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has announced the Comm Games won’t go ahead in Victoria in 2026 after the costs of hosting them has blown out from the original estimate of $2.6 billion to over $6 billion. The stadium upgrades and housing promised for regional Victoria will go ahead but no Comm Games. So another host will have to be found.

      This isn’t the first time a new host has had to be found. The Games in Birmingham were originally awarded to Durban.

      Avatar photoIan Harkin
        Post count: 24453
        Avatar photoIan Harkin
          Post count: 24453

          Avatar photoboogieya
            Post count: 45

            With the demise of the Queen last year (CWG was her beloved baby) and now this news
            hate to be the harbinger of doom but think this will be the nail in the coffin for CWGs & netball’s showpiece on the world stage!


              Post count: 247

              I hope you’re wrong @boogieya – but maybe it’s time to stop making these multisport events such a showcase….go back to basics and make it about the sport, not the entertainment, razzmatazz, celebrity appearances and huge opening ceremonies. Let the sports speak for themselves.

              Avatar photoIan Harkin
                Post count: 24453

                I think they’ve gotten too big in relation to their importance.

                Nobody actually wanted the 2026 Games which was why Victoria stepped in originally to do it.

                  Post count: 55

                  Although I’m a big fan of multi sports events like the CWG and the Olympics, I actually support Daniel Andrews of having the guts to pull the pin now before Victoria is in too deep. $6 billion is a GIGANTIC amount of money. Even $2.6 billion is massive. Imagine how much better that could be spent – like rescue funding for Netball Australia again! We all know they’re going to need it again with that board of execs running the show lol. $15 million seems so cheap in comparison. But speaking of rescue packages, imagine how many mums that would support coming back to elite sport after maternity leave.

                  Of course it could also be spent on something sensible like health or social welfare, but where’s the fun in that? XD

                    Post count: 453

                    I’m so upset about this decision, we won’t be able to see all the amazing international teams twice in a 4 year cycle.
                    This will do damage to world netball.

                      Post count: 2020

                      Always thought it a odd decision to have the CG’s in country Victoria.
                      Surely having them in Melbourne would have made more sense, every venue is already there.
                      Netball will survive if they don’t go ahead, it only became a CG sport officially in 1998.

                      Avatar photoIan Harkin
                        Post count: 24453

                        Yeah, must admit I was worried as soon as it was announced that the events were going to be in the country.

                          Post count: 2020

                          Host countries can select what sports they want. So if New Zealand want the Games in 2024.
                          I think they should go for. Rowing, Kayaking, 7s Rugby, Cycling, Netball and that will do.

                            Post count: 384

                            @mcleod except that all Games must include, at a minimum, athletics and swimming…

                              Post count: 453

                              The Birmingham games cost £778 million, so now is the Melbourne government getting a cost of 6 billion?
                              If they were worried about costs, bring the games to Melbourne cbd, we have the infer structure.

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