Coronavirus and netball

Coronavirus and netball2020-03-13T08:15:11+10:00
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  • Avatar photoIan Harkin
      Post count: 24424

      Coronavirus-hit UK sports to benefit from £300m emergency funding rescue package

      Avatar photoIan Harkin
        Post count: 24424

          Post count: 2020

          Is rearing it’s big ugly head again.

          Avatar photoIan Harkin
            Post count: 24424

            Yes, getting worse in the UK and South Africa where games are scheduled for January/February. And a rise in cases in Australia.

            Avatar photoIan Harkin
              Post count: 24424

              Avatar photoIan Harkin
                Post count: 24424

                Avatar photoIan Harkin
                  Post count: 24424

                  Avatar photoIan Harkin
                    Post count: 24424
                      Post count: 2020

                      I’m wondering how hard it is going to be, for the non Aus and NZ players to return for the SSN and ANZ.
                      CBass should!!!! be able to make it to NZ, George Fisher might struggle.
                      I’m guessing some of the English/South African and Jamaica players returned to their homeland.

                      There seems to be a lot of restrictions on people coming from the UK.

                        Post count: 1235

                        I think players should be able to make it to Australia. The government has been happy for athletes to come over. I’m not sure if players will be able to get into NZL though, are they letting non-citizens in yet? Even CBass might have some trouble.

                          Post count: 490

                          Wellington Phoenix have just had someone come in who is an international (somewhere in Europe) along with his wife and 3 kids – as well as international sports teams, so I can’t see CBass, Woulf (sp) having any issues – and I believe that anyone from the UK/US has to have a negative test before they even board a plane – so Fisher should be okay if they’ve planned it well – although knowing over here female sport isn’t as important as mens’ so may have to jump through more hoops (like Marshall not being allowed back last year)

                            Post count: 2

                            Thanks to share information. Many Netball lover are waiting for this. Coronavirus is now world wise problem.

                          Viewing 12 posts - 106 through 117 (of 117 total)
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