England Roses 2023/24 Squad

England Roses 2023/24 Squad2023-05-31T20:33:43+10:00
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  • Avatar photoIan Harkin
      Post count: 24452

      George Fisher is there. So is Sasha Glasgow… šŸ™


        Post count: 1235

        Crazy that Glasgow has made herself available for Roses selection but wasn’t picked for NWC. I assumed she was going to focus on the Diamonds.

        Avatar photoIan Harkin
          Post count: 24452

          Diamonds should have picked her in the long squad, but maybe she told them she didn’t want to. It’s madness if she was available for the WC and England didn’t pick her.

          I don’t know. I’m just a bit sick of these athletes that Australia has trained, they’ve come up through the Aus pathway the whole time, then they go and play for a country that they’ve had nothing to do with netball wise. In the press release, Jess Thirlby said “itā€™s exciting to know that our programme and the Roses are attracting the worldā€™s best players.” It’s just like they’re a club team signing an overseas import. :unsure:

            Post count: 696

            I agree completely Ian. She played WYC for Australia too.
            What happens when/if SSN introduces an import cap per side? Where does she stand then.

            Also, I can understand why she wasnā€™t selected for World Cup. She would barely know any of the players and would have minimal lead in time as fever will probably go deep into finals

              Post count: 752

              I would feel a bit strange about that Glasgow selection as an England fan. Same with McDonald and Pitman, to be honest. I know we have JLP in the Diamonds when she could have represented NZ but I donā€™t know if thatā€™s exactly the same situation.

              I can understand why Glasgow would make herself available if she thinks thereā€™s little chance of making the Diamonds. Why cut herself off from playing international netball if she has this option on the table? I donā€™t think itā€™s likely she would get picked for Australia for a few reasons. So I totally get it.

              sami j
                Post count: 117

                As an Aussie and a Glasgow fan Iā€™m a bit sad to see her named for England. I honestly donā€™t know if sheā€™d get more court time with England than Aus, England seem to have a lot of impressive young shooters coming through the ranks but I guess we will see.

                  Post count: 247

                  @ian on the converse, I’m not a fan of Aussie imports blocking a pathway for English athletes – maybe 10 years ago when we didn’t have any depth there was a reason for it, but not now! Lois Pearson has been an absolute gun for Thunder this year and imho deserves the place – good to see Scholes and Thacker making the cut tho.

                    Post count: 247

                    Great to see Neil and Pechova in the mix as well.

                    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Fluffy.
                      Post count: 453

                      Happy for Glasgow!! Sheā€™ll probably make her first appearance at the quad series.
                      I think they made the right choice not selecting her for World Cup, she hasnā€™t been in the roses system and has not had time to work on combinations.

                        Post count: 453

                        Also did Elle McDonald and Glasgow play at the tbirds together? Could me a figure combo in the making.

                        Avatar photoIan Harkin
                          Post count: 24452

                          Glasgow went to WA in 2021 when McDonald joined Tbirds. Glasgow did play quite a bit with Pitman though!

                          Funny, we’ve got three Aussies in the England team and they’ve all played for Tbirds in recent years.

                            Post count: 84

                            I donā€™t think itā€™s a bad thing that Glasgow has opted for England tbh. If I was eligible for another country and wanted to play international netball then I would explore it too šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø.

                            And itā€™s not like the younger England shooters are being blocked by her – there are many in the Roses and Futures squads. They could end up outperforming her, who knows?

                            Avatar photoIan Harkin
                              Post count: 24452

                              Jade Clarke on Instagram confirming that she’s not retiring. So it looks like they’ve done it for her.

                                Post count: 5

                                Completely agree with you Ian :negative:

                                  Post count: 247

                                  Jade is all class – shame the NGB isn’t.

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