How user friendly is the forum for you?

How user friendly is the forum for you?2020-01-22T00:01:04+10:00
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  • davo
      Post count: 8

      I was just thinking about this topic. I agree with Jabes too. Also, very happy to contribute $s. I suggest a month is decided upon and NS does a donation drive at the same time each year. I can’t recall what month I donated in 2019 – (I need to add an alert to my calendar)

      Edit: could the date/time be corrected?

      • This reply was modified 5 years ago by davo.
        Post count: 123

        Hi Parda – I think the heading of this thread reflects my feeling that the forum is not user friendly, and perhaps the lack of traffic could also be attributed to this (plus it mostly being the off season).
        I REALLY miss topics by freshness, where I could usually be found first thing in the morning and on and off all through the day (the latest posts on the right hand side are just not the same), and being able to go to the last part of the thread I looked at. Staying logged in is good, and I agree with whomever suggested having the page numbers at the top of the page and not the bottom.
        It seems that most of us would like to see the same changes, so hopefully that will be feasible/possible.
        Thanks to all for the work to make the site stable, I know it was in danger of collapse. With a few little tweaks it may go back to the site we all knew and loved and want to love again (and maybe if it happens, post it on the Facebook page, as I think many may have sought information there, but it is NOT the same!)

        Avatar photoIan Harkin
          Post count: 24451

          Yes, as I said to Parda, I’m worried that we may have lost some people who we’ll never get back. But hopefully that’s not the case.

            Post count: 49

            I will throw my 2 cents in also.

            “Topics by Freshness” as described by almost everyone. And being able to navigate straight to the latest post read in a thread. These are my only needs. The lack of these two items has meant that I have not visited the site for months, I really hope I haven’t missed too much.

            I used to visit multiple times a day with the old site (admittedly some might see my absence as a good thing!!)

            Oh, yes emojis would be nice.

            <edit> is the posting time all futzed up? Site seems to be saying I posted this about 11 hours before I did.

            • This reply was modified 5 years ago by CharlesWB.
            Avatar photoIan Harkin
              Post count: 24451

              For some reason, the site seems to be going on UK time.

                Post count: 49

                Well at least the weather is cooler there 🙂

                  Post count: 119

                  I agree with everything on the list you have posted. My top two fixes would be:

                  Brning back topics by freshness
                  Staying logged in

                  I think like many others, I have not been a regular here since the changes. I truly appreciate this site and the huge amount of VOLUNTEER work that happens to keep it going. I know that I really appreciate the wonderful articles and that chat but it has just become too hard.

                  I like the idea of Topics by Freshness – Netball and Non Netball and do away with heaps of the other sub forums.

                  I think having a “donation month” is a fantastic idea and I’d be happy to contribute again.

                  Avatar photoIan Harkin
                    Post count: 24451

                    Look, it’s something I hadn’t really thought of, but on reflection, pretty much EVERYONE wants to be able to see all the topics in order of freshness, and one way of doing that is to basically just have one big category where everything goes.

                      Post count: 1374

                      Hi, I would echo most of the comments here,
                      – would like to see all the latest comments in one area,
                      – don’t comment as much as I did before
                      – ability to reply to comments so it’s clear who i’m disagreeing with!
                      – I log using tablet, phone and desktop but lately only using the desktop as I have issues with the other two devices
                      – emoji’s please, they enhance the comments

                      thank you so much for creating Netball scoop. I am a netball nut and didn’t realize how much until I found you guys. I miss your comments so much I have to take you on holidays with me. Spain last week and Disney Paris in December.

                      Avatar photoboogieya
                        Post count: 45

                        Struggled today but have I finally managed to not only Log In
                        Hence this message
                        But also to get updates as my last recorded news/forum was back on Thurs.

                        Just watched The Jammies beat England but done through FaceBk Utube link.

                          Post count: 2

                          What were the reasons for getting rid of the old forum features?

                          Avatar photoIan Harkin
                            Post count: 24451

                            We didn’t get rid of them. The previous forum was just so huge and cumbersome and unwieldy, we decided to get a new one. And this new one is just lacking in some of those features. It’s disappointing. But we will try our best to reintroduce some of them in the future. Hopefully, people will stick with us.

                              Post count: 49

                              Thanks for your comments, people. Sorry about the delay in following-up – I have been doing lots of palliative care for a friend, and netball just did not seem so important for a while.

                              I have recorded all of your comments and will ask our web administrator for a quote. Thanks to those of you who offered to donate to support this project; I will get back to you with a figure when we have sorted it out.

                              Just as a quick background for those of you who did not see the original discussions: the website structure was old, huge and unwieldy, (a verandah attached to a shed with a lean-to garage and a pergola on top, all built on a swamp, if you get the analogy) and we were warned that it would fall over completely, and should build a new one. So we did, and used a web designer based in Australia, rather than in the USA, as the previous one was – she was terrific and supportive, but had graphic limitations and the time zones were an issue. The new designers quickly realised that the old site was ten times larger than most sites, so we had to go more slowly than planned with the transfer, and are still finding bits that must have dropped off in the process. It is also clear that there were things that we users took for granted that were not obvious to the new web designer.

                              So, watch this space.

                                Post count: 121

                                OMG Can I finally log in and post??

                                Avatar photoIan Harkin
                                  Post count: 24451

                                  Okay, a few things….

                                  Go to the “Contact” section up the top there and you should be able to send a private message. I haven’t tried yet.

                                  You also should be able to use emojis when you post. :yahoo:

                                  I’ve managed to get an avatar. Not sure if everyone can do that. Hopefully you can. If not, tell us.

                                  And hopefully you’ll all stay logged in as well.

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