Men’s teams to trial possible ANZP innovations

Men’s teams to trial possible ANZP innovations2024-07-04T15:54:33+10:00
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  • Kwkiwi
      Post count: 246

      That would be super exciting if they allowed half court shots at the end of a close game! I’m sure some of those netballers are capable of making those half court shots.

        Post count: 144

        I actually don’t want to see that. Part of the skill is to get the ball to the scoring zone so to speak. If at the pressure end of the game a team can’t get it there and they could put up a flukey hail Mary shot from anywhere on the court, why reward that? It would rarely come off, but it just isn’t something that I want to watch.

          Post count: 319

          I watched most of the second match.

          I’m not sure if I prefer the SNN or this 2-point shot zone. The SSN one isn’t as challenging while the ANZP zone (unsurprisingly) seemed to result in more missed shots. One thing I like about netball over basketball is the high accuracy of shooting, which means a missed shot in netball really is a big deal. If the 2pt shot is used more judiciously, it could work.

          • This reply was modified 7 months ago by museboy.
            Post count: 319

            Maybe an alternative to the 2pt shot would be to create a restricted area around net where no shots can be taken, forcing slightly wider shots and giving defenders greater chance of rebounds. But then you could have tall holding shooters staying under the net then passing to the scoring zone. It’s a conundrum, and depends on whether tall, holding shooters are a ‘problem’ or not.

              Post count: 1517

              I didn’t see any of these games. However if the style of the game is similar to indoor netball (nets), I wouldn’t want to see that.

              Great point @museboy about the accuracy of the shot. I 100% agree!

              • This reply was modified 7 months ago by TB.
              Avatar photoIan Harkin
                Post count: 24452

                I have to say it’s always a source of bemusement for me that shooting is restricted to that circle, but what do teams so often do at training for a bit of fun? They take long-range shots from the middle third or the centre circle. Imagine if that was possible in a game. What about when time is running out in a quarter and there’s physically just not enough time left to get the ball into the circle and put up a shot? What if someone was able to take a long-range buzzer beater? You can’t tell me that wouldn’t add interest. Perhaps the middle third is too much. However, a shot from outside the circle but inside the attacking third would certainly be worth 2 points!

                Regarding museboy’s thought, an old poster on here once suggested that there should be a section around the ring where you can’t rebound misses. in other words, you can still take shots close to the post, but if you miss, bad luck. Call it the Romelda rule if you like. Seeing how many shooters miss from right next to the ring is frustrating. That’s your job. You shouldn’t miss from that close.

                  Post count: 1517

                  Omgoodness I so remember that @Ian. I actually don’t mind that rule, however I would add to it. The defender defending the shot shouldn’t be allowed to rebound it either ????

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