Mystical Grace Nweke leading the pack as World Cup looms

Mystical Grace Nweke leading the pack as World Cup looms2023-04-14T08:10:47+10:00
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  • Avatar photoIan Harkin
      Post count: 24458
        Post count: 378

        Has Grace played against Aus, England etc much? The toughest of those countries can be daunting. I still worry with those massive jumps for the ball and her landing.

          Post count: 1532

          @Minkie, she’s been part of the Ferns squad through all the games they have played since NZ unlocked. Yes, she’s been on court most of time unless the coaches considered she needed to be taken off for a reset (not often but in the earlier days she did tend to lose her cool when the going got tough or umpires calls went against her). IMO she is most valuable as a holding shooter and even in ANZ if she moves around too much the attack end finds her difficult and unpredictable to feed to.

            Post count: 378

            Definitely valuable and a great player
            Hopefully this season has toughened her alot but the landing still keeps me holding my breath. Yeah I’ve seen critics commenting that she should move more, she’s doing fine where she is. Unsure thou if she did place herself further out in circle, what the shot would be.

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