Australian Diamonds coach Lisa Alexander reflects on the Commonwealth Games one month on.
“Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.” Bill Gates (1995).
After winning a heart-wrenching silver medal at the 2018 Commonwealth Games, Australian Diamonds’ coach Lisa Alexander was given a back handed gift. It was from her daughter, who shared Gates’ famous quote with her. The words resonated in the wake of the loss to England, just one more reminder that success doesn’t rest on past results. “The silver lining of this loss is that we will examine ourselves more closely, we will be more ruthless, and prepare within an inch of our lives for the Netball World Cup next year,” Alexander said. “Perhaps better than if we’d won gold. So that and knowing that we were professional, well behaved and respectful to our opponents after the loss, are the consolations I take.”
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