Player retirement predictions.

Player retirement predictions.2023-05-31T00:40:07+10:00
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  • netballgirl
      Post count: 452

      Who do you think will retire after the 2023 SSN season?

      My predictions are:
      Braz (already announced)

      I think Fowler has a couple years left in her and if she was going to retire Cholhok would be an amazing replacement.

        Post count: 203

        I know Mentor said she wants to go again but she might be forced to retire if the possible new team wants to invest in younger players. Well at least retire from SSN – although the signing period for NSL is before the SSN so who knows

          Post count: 183

          I’ve suspected the same as you netballgirl. With an addition – Aiken George.

            Post count: 1235

            I wouldn’t be surprised if Aiken-George retires either, especially if Swifts take the premiership. She’s good enough to stick around but it almost feels like she just wanted one last shot after she had her baby girl.

            I also think Harten, Scherian and Simpson may retire, but could also see them sticking around. Wood is another player that I’ve wondered if she might retire after NWC. As mentioned, Mentor might not have anywhere to go and may prefer retirement to ANZP or VNSL. A part of me has wondered if Rav might also retire, I think she had mentioned previously that she didn’t plan to play that much longer and wanted to end her career at the Firebirds. Brandley may be in the same boat. I think Kumwenda and Fowler have a few years left but probably not another cycle.

              Post count: 785

              Harten said on Pivot or Centre Circle that she wants to continue but her body seems to be deciding for her. I can definitely see Brandley retiring, maybe Emma Cosh too if she doesn’t get any court time during the rest of the season.

                Post count: 452

                How old is Cosh? She isn’t a bad player, and could see her potentially being picked up by another club?

                Mentor could get picked up next season by the new team, not to put out a 60min performance but to guide the young ones coming through. I just can’t see her leaving Melbourne.

                  Post count: 443

                  Mentor has said previously that she had hoped to play in NZ before she retires but you never know.

                    Post count: 203

                    I rate Cosh. She’s 27 so definitely has some more years left in her netball career but I don’t think she’s going to get any more court time at Fever when Glasgow and ATN are so in form. I wonder if she’ll look elsewhere? I think she’s also a teacher so perhaps not

                      Post count: 452

                      Brandley announced her retirement, who will fill her spot? My guess Temu or Manua.

                        Post count: 183

                        My guess is Temu to replace Brandley, moving Moore into GD

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