Netball Scoop is an independent incorporation run by entirely by volunteers and we are looking for a few more contributors to come on board.
Web Administrator
Netball Scoop requires someone to continue supporting the web server and the services running on it. Ideally you would have WordPress and BBPress administration knowledge at minimum. Please contact us, as per below, for further information.
We are seeking writers in the following areas:
• Brisbane
• Sydney
• Sunshine Coast
• New Zealand
We are seeking photograhers in the following areas:
• Sydney
• Adelaide
• Melbourne
• New Zealand
The main focus for writers are domestic match reports, with our aim to cover as many Suncorp Super Netball, ANZ Premiership and Vitality Superleague matches as possible.
Writers and photographers will need to comply with Netball Scoop protocols and further accreditation rules.
If your state isn’t listed above, but you are keen to contribute (eg. writing in Melbourne or Adelaide), please contact us – we may still have the ability to give you an opportunity!
Please email for further information.