Silver Ferns trialists

Silver Ferns trialists2022-06-15T08:37:43+10:00
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  • mcleod
      Post count: 2020

      Yes camp is in Wellington.

        Post count: 948

        Ahhh right. Apologies. So Burger not in AKL as I saw her yesterday to observe trials.

          Post count: 2020

          I think Karin is having her operation in Auckland.

          Avatar photoIan Harkin
            Post count: 24466
              Post count: 2020

              :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: Is all can say

                Post count: 948

                Newshub story says while some put their hands up, they didn’t meet fitness standards and will be supported with a view to 2023 NWC.

                And, most intriguingly, 17 will be named on Monday.

                Lastly, part of the story features a clip of Falkner. I can tell it’s from the Wgtn courts, but I think it must be old, purely because the first part of the footage shows Crampton, Fitzpatrick and Karaka in black tops, the second part of the story has other players in pink and light coloured tops. Anyone able to elaborate? 😂

                Story here:

                  Post count: 335

                  Interesting, I was communicating with someone today who told me there were about four people who didn’t pass the fitness test but there were also others that didn’t trial due to sickness and so weren’t eligible for selection. Of those four, shooters and a defender, all would have been justifiable selections for the team. But I was also told one of those that didn’t meet the fitness requirements will be named in the squad and it’s not the one we are all hoping for.

                  I might be in the minority but I still don’t like those fitness tests I much prefer to judge them how they perform on court. Fowler isn’t passing any fitness tests for Jamaica, I doubt Wallam is for the Oz team either.

                  Also, are we the only top five nation that has trials? I’m thinking Australia, England, South Africa and Jamaica all choose their squads based on their performances in franchise competitions?

                  I was also told Mes had a good trial which is nice to hear.

                    Post count: 2020

                    I think the team will be a very WTF moment. Sadly and frustrating

                      Post count: 269

                      @mcleod it’s almost got a wtf feel even before it’s picked hasn’t it? Dame Noeline will just have to do the best with what she’s got, I hope the press don’t rip her a new one :negative:
                      But hey they might surprise us all…

                        Post count: 2020

                        So I’m reading it correctly, the 5 that were sick and couldn’t trial, were deemed ineligible for selection.

                        What a load of stupidness

                          Post count: 269

                          Jury wasn’t at the pulse awards her partner had to go instead, suggesting she was unwell, that’s one of the best defenders…

                            Post count: 335

                            @RMB there were only four of the team that attended the Pulse awards, everyone else was sick and some still are I’ve heard.

                              Post count: 443

                              So no Pulse players then if they werent at the trials, leaves a lot out and then if some shooters didnt make fitness who does that leave? Happy that Mes went well though.

                              Dreadful feeling coming for Monday.

                              Also agree the fitness standards shouldnt be the be all to end all.

                              Video did look part old as Maihi and Tong were there too with faulkner.

                              What happens to Noels if Ferns faulter as CWG? Last time the coach was axed.

                                Post count: 269

                                @nate no pulse players is kinda scary…

                                I mean Noeline is contracted to the end of 2023… huge difference between her & Southby. Even though they got no medal in 2018 their performances under that coach weren’t good even prior

                                  Post count: 696

                                  Kristiana Manua at Giants training today.. is she one of the players to miss selection??

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