WEST COAST FEVER 20212020-10-20T11:11:56+10:00
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  • NB12
      Post count: 632

      This gives Fever a bit more of a future beyond Fowler and some stronger options in attack.

      I agree she’s stronger at GS, perhaps once she has worked on her GA game she will be better in GS. Similar to Garbin I suppose.

        Post count: 1987

        Glasgow is one of the best young shooters in Australia. With a full season she should be pushing the Diamonds squad.

        In saying this I really hope she doesn’t spend too much time on the bench. Fowler has GS wrapped up and ATN was immense in their finals run and complements Fowler perfectly. Fowler sits quite high in the circle and ends up under the post With one step but that does limit entry points for a GA. I should say I think ATN was great at working around that.

        I hope to see Glasgow in the Diamonds in 12 months.

          Post count: 231

          Can’t say I love this as Glasgow is such an amazing GS but hopefully the Fever might rest Fowler a bit more next season?

            Post count: 2395

            I see Glasgow’s future at GS, especially in a more moving circle but Fowler needs to get some bench time for that to become a reality.

            Avatar photoIan Harkin
              Post count: 24452

                Post count: 70

                So….this move may have been planned for some time. It seems very like the situation 2 years ago when Alice was contracted at the expense of Medhurst. Fever were in the final and wouldn’t want to unsettle the team prior to playing but had a replacement player lined up. Sad for Stanton. I’m not sure what Glasgow gains unless she gets significant court time, but, who is benched? Fowler, who their whole game plan is built around or Alice, who plays her role (as playmaker and feeder) really well. Maybe Fowler only plans to stay 1 more year and Fever are planning ahead? Hmmm, then what happens to Alice? Will she be able to play a more conventional ga role, putting up more shots? I’m perplexed! :wacko: :scratch:

                  Post count: 39

                  I don’t see it as being ‘who gets benched?’ Situation. It’s more like a Vixens attack end situation with versatility and options to throw out there.

                    Post count: 2395

                    Yeha I agree, very versatile attack but the thing is that Fowler rarely has an off day or game where she shouldn’t be the preferred option. Hopefully this move is with the idea that Fowler could’ve leaving soon so Stacey will be looking to give Glasgow some solid game time so she might be the future for the club

                    Avatar photoIan Harkin
                      Post count: 24452

                      Avatar photoIan Harkin
                        Post count: 24452

                          Post count: 1517

                          I don’t understand how anyone can suggest benching Fowler for Glasgow? 🤦‍♂️
                          You would never bench one of the most dominant shooters in the game. Oh wait…..sorry only if you’re Julie Fitz 🙄😂

                          Avatar photoIan Harkin
                            Post count: 24452

                            Avatar photoIan Harkin
                              Post count: 24452

                              Avatar photoIan Harkin
                                Post count: 24452
                                  Post count: 2395

                                  Hmmmmmmm, Sue Gaudion is a great commentator and I appreciate her insights but is retaining her as a commentator a bit odd now that she is the Club’s General manager. Some extent of affiliation with clubs is fine but am I wrong to think it’s a bit odd to have a general manager commentating?

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