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  • RMB
      Post count: 269

      Without getting into a COVID debate people need to take it seriously, look how it can affect fit healthy athletes in their 20s

        Post count: 269

        Watched the pulse vs the tactix before Xmas 2 x games 1 win to each team
        Saw the canty boys vs tactix 60-59
        Steel. Vs pulse that was live streamed on fb 61-49
        Magic vs Stars (not live) can’t remember score but stars won by quite a bit
        Steel vs tactix 2 x games tactix won both but only by 1
        Tactix vs Mystics (not streamed I asked Helene for score) 72-65 to mystics

        Tactix are definitely missing Jane, I’m a chch girl so a supporter, they look strong & fit but I’d be surprised if they can do a final again

        The pulse seemed to be nailing it, the shooting combo on point

        • This reply was modified 2 years, 12 months ago by RMB.
          Post count: 269

          Well put :heart: I was just interested in peoples thoughts on the ANZ premiership, not a debate on COVID or players privacy
          Enjoy your week

            Post count: 269

            Exactly why I put I cannot give out that opinion it’s not just as cold, I’m no scientist nor do I know how good/bad anyones immune system is…
            That’s why I feel they want to keep groups & gatherings such as sport to under 100, protect everyone. The players can have their court time fans can watch from home

            • This reply was modified 3 years ago by RMB.
              Post count: 269

              Snap! I too volunteer & love it. Hoping to be involved in most of the games as I need my netball fix :yahoo:
              There was talk of just doing a north & south competition, or putting it off to November :unsure: , but I see it’s just going ahead with limited crowds.
              Yes annoying for netball nz not to make money off tickets but just pleased they get some time on the court

                Post count: 269

                A lot of people were asking on their fb page about Williams & then it was quickly deleted.
                Gotta be tough on Ameilanne, she looked very tired!!

                  Post count: 269

                  Looks like anzp is going ahead? Just no crowds… look at the Americans with their big crowds for the super bowl! Nz is defintely way behind… however I’m in two minds as it is a precaution to keep safe & I haven’t got unwell from COVID nor has any of my friends/family so it’s not fair to give out my opinion of it being “just a cold”
                  Hopefully this will give the sf prospects some experience, I shudder to think how the media will rip out the team & Dame Noeline if we don’t qualify for a medal

                    Post count: 269

                    No Khiarna Williams this year?? No one saying why

                      Post count: 269

                      not training together, is this for real??!! No wonder Melcalfe stepped down would that be before the pushed her out? Ive watched the tactix train together and thats 5 times a week, even my social netball team trains together 1 or 2 times a week wow thats dumb sorry

                        Post count: 269

                        i fully agree with you about Cowles stadium, its not a nice venue and the base line is right by the toliets… talking to the organisers however Horncastle couldnt be used to due to other events happening there, this was of course all prior to the latest covid restrictions

                          Post count: 269

                          following her on IG she likes a lot of the “pro choice” posts. Im not going to enter into a debate about the vaccines, but im also the frame of mind if they want to do it they hand the dress back in. You need to play in sports stadiums, go on airplanes, gyms and other group settings, its not feasible for the un-vaccinated. Disappointing as i loved her as a tactix defender with Watson

                            Post count: 269

                            Had the best day watching the Tactix play their preseason games against the Pulse prior to Christmas, this wasnt televised. 1 win to the Tactix and 1 win to the Pulse. Watson is defintely missed, not only for her crazy arms but her vocal leadership be interesting to see what Pio can bring. Koloto is amazing a little work horse excited to see what she can bring

                              Post count: 269

                              Dont get me wrong ive spoken to TPSR at the Tactix games and shes a lovely person, she has skill but i just feel her days are numbered, watching her come off one game looking like she wanted to be sick and just wasnt the best after coming back from her ankle injury

                                Post count: 269

                                Valid points, yes ANZ is underrated compared to the Uk and Aussie competitions, but population and wages must come into factor? Also never doubt Dame Noeline experience. Players have to retire and there is always the desire for some (not all) to become mothers, as much as we wish wed love the likes of Kopu and Langman to play forever! Young players need court time to gain experience, doesnt anyone remember getting turned down for a job due to lack of experience yet no one would give you any???

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