Exclusive Interview

NS EXCLUSIVE: The 1971 Australian World Championship netball team celebrates its place in history

Gaye Teede and Elsma Merillo were part of Australia's World Tournament winning 1971 team, and since then have helped drive netball's professionalism and role in women's rights.

NS EXCLUSIVE: Tyler Orr signs with London Pulse

Tyler Orr is one of an increasing number of Australians seeking court time overseas. She and London Pulse Director of Netball Sam Bird chat about the Netball Super League's new professional era, and why Orr will be a great fit for their team.

NS Exclusive: Kelsey Browne – Kind of a Cool Story

Kelsey Browne has experienced it all - premierships, national honours, medals, playing with her sister, injury, depression, club closures and a second chance. As she says, 'It's kind of a cool story!'

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