Reply To: 2022 ANZP ROUND 10

Reply To: 2022 ANZP ROUND 102022-05-16T20:14:40+10:00
    Post count: 296

    @Maryanne I’d have to agree with Mcleod. They just lost to the bottom team for a second time without Nweke.Their whole lob the ball in game plan is non existent without Nweke there. I believe Nweke is the second tallest in the league but combined with her vertical from being a high jumper means that she is very difficult to stop. That is why the Tactix and Pulse don’t use that strategy plus their GS’s can actually shoot and don’t have to be right under the net. If she didn’t have the vertical leap she would probably be sitting on the bench because there isn’t much else to her game at this point. That being said I have enjoyed her last couple of games because she is adding more movement and slowly evolving as a player. She herself said she didn’t want to be just a one trick pony.

    I was happy to see her with just one crutch and out on the court after the game, I couldn’t tell if she was in a moon boot but I think a couple of weeks at the least if it is just a minor sprain.

    I thought Sulu was outstanding for the Mystics. I really can’t see anyone else besides her and Jury for that GK position for the Comm Games.

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