Ferns likely to test eligibility rule as players look across the Tasman

Ferns likely to test eligibility rule as players look across the Tasman2024-07-04T19:54:01+10:00
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  • Avatar photoIan Harkin
      Post count: 23215

        Post count: 15

        Urgh! Not more imports please! I know it will be an unpopular opinion but I’d like to see an import limit of 2 per team and preferably not in the same third of the court like the UK has. Or at the very least we need a strong Australian national league sitting under the SSN. Otherwise Stacey’s trophy cabinet may not be full for long.

          Post count: 343

          How many positions will be available? There were very few one year contracts weren’t there? Obviously there will be a few so will be interesting to see where any NZ players end up.

            Post count: 1275

            Have to think that Nweke and maybe Ekenasio would be wanted. Kelly Jackson would be a massive pickup too.
            Other than that, I’m not too sure there’d be many others they’d want.

              Post count: 4

              Very cool opportunity for the Players. I wouldn’t begrudge any for taking a shot in the SSN if someone knocked on their door.

              But is this really DNT’s big plan? To farm that development out?

              Call me a cynic, but she’s had 6-7 years to develop her “world class” Players (What a dumb thing to publicly say by the way. No wonder team morale was/is questionable.)

              Arguably she inherited a “world class” foundation when she started, in the WYC cohort. Compared to past coaching setups, NNZ has given DNT et al unprecedented access, resources, investment & funding. For… ? Yes, some ANZ franchises have been ineffective in developing Players – but that’s an enduring fact not isolated to NZ.

              If this does happen, and from a Players perspective I hope it does, and it “works”, then it does show that SSN is the best development competition in the world. Because they achieved in 1-2 years what DNT+NNZ couldn’t in their 6-7 years.

              But NNZ might want to get a hurry on, because the few open spots on the 2025 SSN registers are filling up fast.

                Post count: 15

                I think the Jamaican’s massive improvement over the last few years shows what SSN can do for player development, even more so when you get to play in your international combos every week (eg Janelle/shanice, shamera/latty, potentially Eleanor/sasha next season). But as has been pointed out SSN would probably only want the 2 world class players NZ have (agree that was a stupid thing for the coach to say publicly), so that doesn’t really help lift the overall standard of the team. It’ll be great for those 2 players but we’ve seen what happens when you hang the hopes of the team on one person and they get injured. I like the idea of fielding one or two NZ teams in the SSN but don’t know commercially if that’d work for Netball Australia and it’s a long way off. Plus would that essentially mean NZ’s national team would be playing together every week in the SSN? That doesn’t seem fair.

                  Post count: 663

                  NNZ has a real opportunity to set clear perimeters for eligibility. Specify the time in terms of seasons, how many from each area of the court and must sign on to NZ commitments.

                  All assuming there is interest from teams and NZ players.

                  Considering how many SF have been out injured this year, gives a taste of what the ANZp might look like without some big ticket players.

                    Post count: 1275

                    Giants and Mavericks could really do with Kelly Jackson. Both teams lacking height in the defence.

                    Swifts and Giants could do with Nweke, a strong target shooter.

                    I’m not too sure which team would need an Ekenasio. Maybe Fever? Or possibly Lightning if Fretwell retires?

                    With Aus players, I feel Ervin will be looking for more court time. Again, Mavericks and Giants are missing a tall defender.

                      Post count: 1857

                      Nweke’s knees can’t handle the gentle ANZ without being injured, so how will she manage the far more intense defending in the SSN.

                        Post count: 1275

                        She may get better training facilities, rehabilitation work etc playing in the SSN.

                        I remember GRass had knee issues for years at Mystics. She moved to Magic under Julie Fitz, and I remember GRass talking about the different training style she was doing there. It helped with her knee issues.

                        So maybe a change of environment will be good for Nweke?

                          Post count: 1857

                          Maybe, but she did get hurt playing against Singapore.
                          But perhaps go to the team that just won’t biff poorly placed passes all game.

                            Post count: 302

                            McLeod what a horrible thing to say about Grace and her body. Your comments are downright nasty at times

                              Post count: 435

                              I’d have to agree with @mcleod, Grace has had 3 injuries in the last couple of years,2 have been knee one ankle I think.
                              She only 20-21 years old she’s gotta be careful, a lot ahead of her and not just in netball terms. We’ve seen plenty of netballers had their career cut shorter than they wanted because of physical limitations and injuries.

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