Reply To: Covid-19 Lockdown

Reply To: Covid-19 Lockdown2020-03-29T07:12:04+10:00
    Post count: 1886

    Hey there Jinxibo, I’m from New Zealand. Country went into full 4 week lockdown on Wednesday. Very strict only essential services. The Police are enforcing the lockdown well so far.

    People are still allowed to go for a walk, run, bike but within their area, 2m apart.
    I’m one of the lucky ones that gets to work my usual hours. I do start at about 4.45m, but must go straight home from work.

    I play Golf, but can’t do that as all golf activites are closed during lockdown, even the driving range.

    But it’s all ok, NZ is very lucky to have a forceful Prime Minister. She said country will lockdown, people said ok, it will cost billions, as workers are eligible for a $585 a week from the govt, if they are not allowed to work.

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