Reply To: Covid-19 Lockdown

Reply To: Covid-19 Lockdown2020-03-29T18:02:56+10:00
    Post count: 1385

    I’m also from NZ. I work from home anyway but as I work for a seniors organisation the next few weeks (if lockdown doesn’t work) could be very hard going.
    My hubby is in education and is also working from home.

    My one trip out each day is to walk our dog for about 30 – 40 mins. Sticking to blocks near home now, no off leash or dog parks anymore as we have to remain in our family bubble and she is part of it. No one else is allowed in including other pets.

    Waiting to see if my sons in law lose their jobs and hoping my son and his partner can stay safe in Hobart. They have a baby due end of May and no family support as we can’t get there. Also hoping he keeps his job.

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