2024 SSN ROUND 14

2024 SSN ROUND 142024-07-12T10:16:54+10:00
Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 93 total)
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  • Tully
      Post count: 1978

      Problem for both of these teams is majority for their 10 are locked in.

      Swifts defence seems to escape a lot of the criticism but it was ordinary all year. For all their experience at that end of the court they should have been better. O’Shannassy’s injury no doubt impacted them and they need to transition her into their starting line next year. Overall Swifts remind me of Vixens a few years back great players but stale. Opponents have them worked out. I remember after they won TGC thinking for all their consistency in lineup they should have been a long way ahead of their opponents who had new lineups and rookies playing and they weren’t. Smith is happy in Sydney but her netball is not thriving and developing as it was in Melbourne, whilst they play different positions it’s a valid comparison given they were in the NV pathway together and that is Smith was way ahead of Mundy a couple of years back but not now. Swifts need to solve WD. How long is Fraser contracted at Mavs for? Fraser may want to be a WA but her feeding is way too hesitant and realistically her best position is WD then C then WA and unless Parmenter wants to develop her C game Fraser isn’t playing WD at Mavs.

      I wouldn’t have Fawns and Palavi in the same team. I’d take Palavi but Fawns is already signed. I can see Palavi finding an excellent home at a NZ team.

        Post count: 738

        I don’t have the stats in front of me but weren’t Turner and Klau the two most penalised players in the comp this year? You can’t win ball if that’s your defence line. Something needs to adjust there.

          Post count: 375

          May be, just maybe, Swifts are missing Bulley as defensive coach?

          Avatar photoIan Harkin
            Post count: 24027

            Yes, they were D-fencr. Turner number 1, Klau number 2, and Swifts most penalised as a team. I’m going to put a whole heap of team stats in the wrap up of round 14 that will hopefully be published later today.

            Avatar photoIan Harkin
              Post count: 24027

              I know why they do it, but contracts of more than one year seem risky to me. So much can change over the course of a season and then you’re locked into that player when you might really prefer someone else. I would do it only for the very best players.

                Post count: 124

                Is everyone at the swifts on multi year contracts except for Gorman-Brown?

                  Post count: 8

                  In regards to the Giants is J F the right choice for the team going forward.
                  Sure we had some close games but her use of her bench players (hardly ever) was to me a telling factor in the position the team ended up with. Frustrating

                  Shooter Tamara
                    Post count: 70

                    Totally agree re Giants, if you see that and vast majority see this how come nothing changes?
                    Apart from their inaugural season signings have been so strange, perfect example C Bass:). JFitz continually comments on talent but rarely do the bench eg Letherbarrow ,OBrien get a cha ce to evolve, accurate as Letherbarrow is , the physical side of her game is lacking and that’s simply game toughness.Agree they need a tall holding shooter plus Dwyer and Matisse, plus a WA and a GK with height maybe Kelly Jackson?

                      Post count: 1468

                      Giants midcourt has not been the problem this season. Lack of height in defence was showing, and the shooting end was too inconsistent.

                      As mentioned above, they need a strong target shooter and a tall GK.

                      Lightning: does Bruce and Ervin stay for next year? Or does one of them need to go, for more/consistent court time?
                      I also think they need a target shooter too.
                      On another note, “IF” Ekenasio was to join Lightning, it’ll be the first time in history that you will both the SFs/Diamond captains playing together.

                        Post count: 68


                        Hadley, Proud, Housby, Turner & Klau were all signed for 3 years. Fawns and Smith for 2 years. Only Sam W-J and Lili G-B were on 1 year contracts.

                        I agree with Tully that Palavi is probably not the best signing for Swifts next year. Personally I think she is better at present than Fawns but they have Fawns for another year at least. If they could drop Fawns, Palavi, Housby and a zippy GA like Sinclair might work but I think they will try for a tall holding shooter. Also agree Swifts look stale. I was surprised they signed Hadley (32 next month) and Proud (turns 31 in December)for 3 years. Mandy Turner’s form for the last 2 years has declined and probably didn’t justify a 3 year contract.

                        I wanted Giants to win yesterday but not surprised Swifts managed to scape the win. I think it was probably Housby’s best game of the year but the mid court was still messy and defense was so untidy.

                        I think Giants need a new coach. Dwyer’s form is worrying. Will be interesting to see if Horjus gets a go in the Diamonds this year. I wonder if she would combine well with Koenen?

                          Post count: 131

                          I am not denying that Swifts have all the dilemmas noted above, but you do have to wonder just how much the off court stuff impacted on performance?

                          I find the Giants baffling. Particularly the recruitment and coaching over a number of years. I am a huge fan of Harten and I think she still has value but it isn’t working for Giants and hasn’t for a while.

                          Strongly agree re:Fawns needing to become a GA.

                          On the lightning front koenan really needs to add the super shot to her game. Sure Steph is obviously the better option, but the fact she will never take one is ridiculous. Even RAG and JFR, while obviously not the first choice option still take them if they must.

                            Post count: 35

                            Laura Langman and Caitlin Bassett both National Team Captains in 2018 Quad Series and played together at the 2018 Lightning though……

                            Oh, Laura missed that year that’s right! My memory is going to pieces.

                            • This reply was modified 3 months ago by deucelow.
                              Post count: 1468

                              @deucelow I totally forgot about that!

                                Post count: 1468

                                I’m interested to know if SWJ is going to try for another season? Being let go by Swifts may give her the needed motivation to get herself in top shape. Could see her comeback with a vengeance.

                                A Giants lineup of:
                                Ervin or Jackson
                                *I chose Giants as she is lives in Sydney.

                                  Post count: 35

                                  Those 17/18 Lightning teams were pretty special. Geva Mentur and Pretorius on there as well, in addition to Wood (now Fretwell) and Koenen.

                                  Dame Noelene as coach. A true dream team and even an argument for one of the strongest sides assembled anywhere in the great game of netball.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 93 total)
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