2024 Test Series – Australia v England (September)

2024 Test Series – Australia v England (September)2024-07-21T18:42:12+10:00
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  • TB
      Post count: 1468

      I think the second test was a missed opportunity for SM to get a Koenan/Dwyer combination happening.
      After taking such a big win in the first test, she should have had enough confidence in seeing what that combination could do in a full game.

        Post count: 585


        And I think Koenen deserved to play with Hadley and/or JLP on the court.

        It wasn’t just that Koenen was the change made in the second test, it wasn’t their first choice midcourt either.

          Post count: 305

          I liked that England continued to pass the ball to players that were heavily marked. This didn’t always work (allowing JLP some circle edge intercepts) however it showed great attacking intent and confidence in each other. The Ferns could learn from this, as Noel’s ‘bumper-cart’ netball in the midcourt is very reactive and allows the team playing man-on to dictate. Increase the ball speed, Noels! England just need to learn when to reset.

          I also loved watching a tall shooter taking shots from not just under the post! Tchine is well ahead of Nweke in terms of footwork and shooting range. Nweke is the stronger player overall, so hopefully the SSN can add more strings to her bow.

          Australia reaped dividends from increasing the defence end physicality, especially from Aryang. Aryang would be my starting GD over Weston now. I love Garbin’s holds (still surprises me to this day she was left out of the WYC squad!) but I think she will face a tougher time from the Ferns defenders, especially if Karaka is dropped back to GK.

          I haven’t watched much SSN but very surprised to see a player that got the national starting GK benched being left off the team…

          • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 1 day ago by museboy.
          • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 1 day ago by museboy.
            Post count: 305

            I agree TB – Australia’s super-power is to win with many combinations due to their sheer depth. Koenen is clearly second fiddle now, so curious why Wallam wasn’t bought in for the CC. I believe Wallam has never played the Ferns.

            Avatar photoIan Harkin
              Post count: 24027
              Avatar photoIan Harkin
                Post count: 24027
                  Post count: 1368

                  No surprises there, Diamonds up the physicality and they win.

                  interesting comments about Tchine. IMO she’s not tall enough and strong enough to be a holding shooter but I was pleasantly surprised at how well she played. I still think she needs to learn to play GA.

                  I’m concerned about Raz, she just wasn’t up to speed. Her league season was below average but her last good game was against Grace so roll on TJ.

                    Post count: 1232

                    Stacey needs to try some more GAs. Dwyer and Koenen really should have gotten some more time out the front of Garbin. Those combinations need to be built in case of injury to Austin or if her form starts to dwindle.

                    There really is a lack of strong GKs globally at the moment. Sterling is really light years ahead of everyone else. I still think it’s such a shame we haven’t seen Ervin – we really need to be exposing some more young GKs to the next generation of shooters.

                    I think Tchine will be fine, especially considering her age. Nweke, Nelson and Tchine will dominate for years to come.

                      Post count: 1468

                      Austin is definitely the inform GA for Diamonds. But IMO she’s not streaks ahead of the next GA. However SM is playing her like she’s their only option.
                      This is the situation for NZ, Ekenasio is streaks ahead of our next GA. So we expect to see her played for every game. The Diamonds have genuine options in Dwyer, Koenan and Horjus. They just need court time.

                        Post count: 375

                        Ahhh @Jinxibo that old chestnut “Diamonds physicality”. When Cath Cox mentioned it in commentary I rolled my eyes and thought the commentators must be contractually obliged to get it in somewhere.
                        You have looked at the game stats haven’t you? The Roses were far more penalised (and yes for contact not just obstruction) in all games – including Game 2. No mention from anyone about Roses physicality. And with the umpires being Kiwis, they are traditionally very tough on Australian style of play, not so much this series, why would that be?
                        The Diamonds simply tightened up their defence all round in Game 3, having Hadley and Price out the front made a hell of a difference. Both players much tighter/closer marking on their opponent that Moloney and Parmenter, shutting down the preferred spaces.

                        I’ve never understood the hoo-ha about Quashie, however that may be because I’ve never seen any NSL games. Having seen Quashie, was it earlier this year or last year, she was always half to a full step off the pace and pretty much always had her eyes down. Not an international standard GK.

                        Was happy to get a look at Tchine – she’s going to be a star and a handful for international GKs. Sterling v Tchine, bring it on!! Tchine will get eaten up to start with but will be interesting match-up in the future.

                        I too am disappointed Ervin wasn’t given a run. Something must be happening in Diamonds training for Ellis to be above Ervin coz she certainly wasn’t based on SSN form. Yes, Ellis had her true breakout season but Ervin just seems to be the more advanced, well rounded player at SSN level.

                        Was very happy to see both Aryang and Klau bounce back after disappointing SSN seasons by their standards (Klau more so). Aryang having to form new partnerships with Williams and Dehaney and having to slide to WD for many quarters, and Klau and the Swifts bin fire. Aryang in particular looked confident and unfazed being the starting GD.

                          Post count: 1368

                          @Schmeetle, sadly the old chestnuts can be a bit chewy but they are true. Penalties count 😒 🤔 nothing new an/or unexpected. There’s a difference between close marking and pushing/shoving players off their mark. JLP is the perfect example, she was close marking the WA in the pockets and turned over ball, but it didn’t work when she tried to barge Shaw out of the way.

                          @Al_ex, the Roses have a number of GK/GD who are just below international level. Alice Harvey is one of them but she works will with Williams, she’s also 190+. Sonia M is our pathway lead so hopefully there’ll be a marked improvement soon.

                          Avatar photoIan Harkin
                            Post count: 24027

                              Post count: 131

                              Re Tchine height and needing to learn and play GA

                              I thought she did a great job at GS and 191cm is tall enough to be a successful international GS. Her strength will improve with further training and time and hopefully her skills and movement will too.

                              For comparison:
                              Garbin is 184cm
                              Bueta is 191cm
                              Koenan is 190cm
                              Harten is 188cm
                              Folau is 188cm
                              I only point this out because all of the above players have been critical players at GS in winning CWG or WC campaigns.

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