Reply To: 2022 ANZP ROUND 10

Reply To: 2022 ANZP ROUND 102022-05-14T13:59:33+10:00
    Post count: 52

    Very frustrating watching the Magic – not impressed with the coaching.

    I don’t think Edgecombe is doing too badly, she’s just not getting the necessary coaching direction. She was in the right place most of the time, she just kept driving away from the ball carrier instead of punching forward or dodging to the side. Was also frustrating watching Winders reset to the line when they had the perfect positioning for a triangle play to Edgecombe at the top and then into the shooters – would have been a good way to exploit the absence of Harrison and Johnson’s long arms and reach.

    Bright side, EKENASIO! :heart: Loved how she played and also just how happy she looked to be playing.

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