In-form Bailey Mes puts herself in Silver Ferns’ Commonwealth Games mix

In-form Bailey Mes puts herself in Silver Ferns’ Commonwealth Games mix2022-04-08T23:38:27+10:00
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  • Avatar photoIan Harkin
      Post count: 24451
        Post count: 269

        Be interesting for the com games and its entered many a debate, 5 stand outs so far, Ekenasio, Mes, Nweke, mMterueru and Wilson… but whos going to miss out
        Wilson and Nweke are holding shooters and always at GS where as the other 3 can do both

          Post count: 378

          It’ll be interesting alright
          But are all players going to be available? Some have babies that can’t travel with them. Plus think since covid happening, just hopping on a plane doesn’t cut it now. There’s ISO, long periods away from families etc. Be interesting.

            Post count: 443

            At a push Wilson can play GA šŸ˜–

              Post count: 2020

              I would not have nweke in the com games. Mentor, Bruce, Sterling, all love playing against the tall, non moving GS. My 4 are Mes, Ekenasio, Wilson, Selby-Rickit.

                Post count: 706

                My goodness, I think I agreed with you Mcleod regarding using a moving circle. Nweke is still very green (Willerings words) internationally. Saunders, Crampton just haven’t worked out the feed as yet.

                  Post count: 269

                  Agree Nweke is still green, think sheā€™s shown more movement in this current ANZ season & her 4 caps might of boosted her confidence. The only way to get experience is put them on, itā€™s like going for employees when youā€™re a teen & no one will give you a job due to lack of experience but yet no one will employer you

                    Post count: 269

                    Gee I donā€™t know even as a tactix fan I think TPSR has done her time internationallyā€¦ she caves under to much pressure & her accuracy is to up and down

                      Post count: 269

                      Babies can be taken with them Karaka & Johnson did that! But I guess thatā€™s a personal choiceā€¦
                      Interesting in regards to ISO? What do they have to do now with NZ boarders relaxed? I know before the quad series they had to watch their big social events so they didnā€™t catch COVID prior

                        Post count: 378

                        RMB think you’ll find babies can’t go with them now. Things have changed. ISO is probably still the same but let’s face it, who wants to be trapped or locked away from family if it all goes pear shaped. We’re getting hit again in VIC with a new damn variant, back to masks/glasses/face shields for us at work. Not a great way to spend Easter.

                          Post count: 378

                          Don’t know about Maia and TP or Grace
                          Guess it depends on how all players play with this stop/go season. I don’t think Tiana should, I was disappointed at how much little shot she gave, quick to pass it to Alyia

                            Post count: 2020

                            minkie, there are no restrictions for NZ citizens returning from overseas. And now Australians fully vaccinated can come to NZ, no MIQ required from them. And by June NZ will open to the rest of the world.

                            Whanau will be able to go with the Mums, and has Meels baby will be only about 8 months old. I’m sure she will be taking her.

                              Post count: 384

                              I believe because this is Comm Games and athletes live in ā€œthe villageā€ Mums canā€™t have babies with them. Itā€™s different to standard international tours where accommodation is in hotels or apartments and in the control of the teams management.

                              Partners could probably go with babies/toddlers and stay in accommodation outside of the village.

                                Post count: 269

                                Didnā€™t know that interesting!off topic Iā€™m looking at working at the Paris Olympics on 2024 but donā€™t have kids so wonā€™t be a concern

                                  Post count: 1532

                                  First question would be – Is Bays going to put herself forward for selection? She made herself unavailable for the last international series in order to get her body right for ANZ. Her form has been excellent this season but I note both her knee and achilles are strapped so an issue still remains.
                                  Nweke is still too green for selection – SSN last weekend was a great example of how players should defend against a holding shooter – look at what happened to Fowler. Nweke still gets lost at ANZ level when she can’t get the feed easily due to tight defence.
                                  I see no need for either Karaka or Johnson to travel with a child, both their children are old enough to remain behind. This would allow their mothers to get down time, more sleep at night and better prepare during the event. Ekenasio may need to with a support person although at 8 months baby could be weaned (that is entirely her choice, just putting it out there).
                                  Selection wise I think WD will be the most tightly contested position with Kersten, Winders, Sokolich Beatson and Johnson all able to play at international level and have a second position they play in too.

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